Orthopaedics helps with all bones and muscles diseases as well as painful ligaments and tendons, especially along the spine and in the joints. For instance herniated disc, cartilage damage, arthritis or osteoarthritis of the hands, knees, legs and arms, rheumatic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, achilles tendonitis, pain in the spine (cervical, thoracic or lumbar), shoulder pain, hip pain, heel pain, numbness in the hands or feet, lumbago, stiffness in the neck, temporomandibular joint problems, postural lesions of the spine, etc…
After 6 years of medical studies, professional training as a “specialist in orthopaedics and orthopaedic surgery” usually starts with 1 to 2 years as an assistant in general surgery. It is followed by 4 to 5 years in orthopaedics/orthopaedic surgery with an obligation to perform and participate in orthopaedic surgery interventions (such as knee joint arthroscopy, elbow or wrist surgery, insertion of prosthesis in the hip or knee joint, etc). The student then has to validate this training by an oral and written final exam. Furthermore, non-operative interventions are taught, such as all injection techniques around tendons, muscles and articulations as well as physical therapy/physiotherapeutics and physiotherapy. I chose to complete this training by specialising in ozone-oxygen injections, manual therapy and acupuncture. These treatments are mainly used in therapy for pain in herniated discs, in the shoulder and arm, tingling hands, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, arthritis, tendonitis, rheumatic diseases, posture problems, etc… I gained the title of specialist in orthopaedics in 2000.
My treatments against pain use the following procedures: ozone therapy (by local injection), acupuncture and mini-invasive injections, for instance with hyaluronic acid, homeopathic actives, vitamins, minerals, etc… I also practise manual therapy in order to gently mobilise the articulations and the body structures to increase mobility and improve posture. These treatments are accompanied by individual advice on the therapeutic practise of physical activity as well as nutrition instructions and if necessary, advice about weight loss.
Medical office hours
- We receive by appointment
Phone 091 649 83 30
mobile. 078 753 18 49